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(Note: IF = impact factor (source Based on the year of publication; Q & SRJ =


31. Ponzi D. (2022). An introduction to the special issue on “Sports science: evolutionary perspectives and biological mechanisms”. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology (Accepted). IF., Q3, SRJ = 0.7 (link to article)


30. Ponzi D, Dadomo H, Filonzi L, Palanza P, Pelosi A, Ceresini G, Parmigiani S, Marzano Nonnis F (2022). Cortisol, temperament and serotonin in karate combats: an evolutionary psychobiological perspective. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology ( IF., Q3, SRJ = 0.7 (link to the article)


29.Dadomo, H., Ponzi, D.*, Nicolini, Y., Vignali, A., Ablondi, F., Ceresini, G., ... & Parmigiani, S. (2020). Behavioral and hormonal effects of prolonged Sildenafil treatment in a mouse model of chronic social stress. Behavioural Brain Research, 392, 112707. IF = 3.3, Q2, SRJ = 1.1


28.Palanza, P, Paterlini S, Brambilla MM, Ramundo G, Caviola….Ponzi D (2020). Sex-biased impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on behavioral development and vulnerability to disease: of mice and children. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 121, 29-46.  IF = 8.9, Q1, SRJ = 3.5


27.Ponzi, D., Gioiosa, L., Parmigiani, S., & Palanza, P. (2020). Effects of prenatal exposure to a low-dose of bisphenol A on sex differences in emotional behavior and central alpha2-adrenergic receptor binding. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(9), 3269. IF = 5.9, Q1, SRJ = 1.4


26.Tonna, M., Ponzi, D., Palanza, P., Marchesi, C., & Parmigiani, S. (2020). Proximate and ultimate causes of ritual behavior. Behavioural Brain Research, 393, 112772. IF = 3.3, Q2, SRJ = 1.1


25.Ponzi D, Flinn MV, Muehlenbein MP, Nepomnaschy PA (2020). Hormones and human developmental plasticity. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 505, 110721. IF = 3.8, Q1, SRJ = 1.3


24.Dadomo H, Ponzi D*, Nicolini Y, et al. (2020). Loss of socio-economic condition and Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction: the role of temperament and depression. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-18. IF, Q3, SRJ = 0.7


23.Grebe, N. M., Del Giudice, M., Thompson, M. E., Nickels, N., Ponzi, D., Zilioli, S., ... & Gangestad, S. W. (2019). Testosterone, cortisol, and status-striving personality features: A review and empirical evaluation of the Dual Hormone hypothesis. Hormones and behavior, 109, 25-37. IF = 3.6, Q1, SRJ = 1.7


22.Ponzi D, Dandy M (2018). The influence of opioids on the relationship between testosterone and romantic bonding. Human Nature, 30(1), 98-116. IF = 1.8, Q1, SRJ = 0.8


21.Ponzi D (2018). Fundamental trade-offs in life history theory. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Todd K. Shackelford & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford Editors. pp 1-6 (Book chapter)


20. Ponzi D, Zilioli S, Mehta P, Maslov A, Watson NV. (2016). Social network centrality and hormones: the interaction of testosterone and cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 68:6-13. IF = 5.2, Q1, SRJ = 2.6


19. Zilioli S, Ponzi D, Henry A, Kubicki K, Nickels N, Wilson MC, Maestripieri D. (2016). Interest in babies negatively predicts testosterone responses to sexual visual stimuli among heterosexual young men. Psychological Science, 27:114-118. IF = 6.7, Q1, SRJ = 4.4


18. Ponzi D, Henry A, Kubicki K, Nickels N, Wilson MC, Maestripieri D. (2016). Autistic-like traits, sociosexuality, and hormonal responses to socially stressful and sexually arousing stimuli in male college students. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2: 150-165. IF., Q3, SRJ = 0.7


17.Ponzi D, Muehlenbein MP, Geary DC , Flinn MV. (2016) Cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and children perception of their social network. Social Neuroscience, 11(2):164-174. IF = 2.8, Q2, SRJ = 1.4


16.Wilson MC, Zilioli S, Ponzi D, Henry A, Kubicki K, Nickels N, Maestripieri D. (2015). Cortisol reactivity to psychosocial stress mediates the relationship between extraversion and unrestricted sociosexuality. Personality and Individual Differences, 86: 427-431. IF = 2.3, Q1, SRJ = 1.0


15. Zilioli S, Ponzi D, Henry A, Maestripieri D. (2015). Testosterone, cortisol and empathy: evidence for the dual-hormone hypothesis. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1: 421-433. IF., Q3, SRJ = 0.7


14.Ponzi D, Henry A, Kubicki K, Nickels N, Wilson MC, Maestripieri D. (2015). Morningness-eveningness and intrasexual competition in men. Personality and Individual Differences, 76: 228-231. IF = 2.3, Q1, SRJ = 1.0


13. Ponzi D, Klimczuk A, Traficonte D, Maestripieri D. (2015). Perceived dominance in young heterosexual couples in relation to sex, context, and frequency of arguing. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9(1): 43-54. IF = . , Q3, SRJ = 0.4


12.Ponzi D, Henry A, Kubicki K, Nickels N, Wilson MC, Maestripieri D. (2015). The slow and fast life histories of early birds and night owls: Their future- or present-orientation accounts for their sexually monogamous or promiscuous tendencies. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(2): 117–122. IF = 3.6, Q1, SRJ = 2.0


11.Ponzi D, Muehlenbein MP, Sgoifo A, Geary DC, Flinn MV. (2015). Day-to-day variation of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in children from a rural Dominican community. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1 (1): 4-16. IF., Q3, SRJ = 0.7


10. Ponzi D, Wilson MC, Maestripieri D. (2014) Eveningness is associated with higher risk-taking, independent of sex and personality. Psychological Reports, 115: 932-947. IF =0.7, Q3, SRJ = 0.2


9. Piffer D, Ponzi D, Sapienza P, Zingales L, Maestripieri D. (2014). Morningness-eveningness and intelligence among high-achieving US students: night owls have higher GMAT scores than early morning types in a top-ranked MBA program. Intelligence, 47: 107-112. IF = ., Q1, SRJ = 1.7


8.Do RP, Stahlhut RW, Ponzi D, Vom Saal FS, Taylor JA (2013). Non- monotonic dose effects of in utero exposure to di(2-ethylexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on testicular and serum testosterone and anogenital distance in male mouse fetuses. Reproductive Toxicology, 34(4): 614-621. IF = 3.3, Q2, SRJ = 1.0


7.Angle MA, Do RP, Ponzi D, Stahlhut RW, Drury BE, Nagel SC, Welshons WV, Besch-Williford CL, Palanza P, Parmigiani S, vom Saal FS, Taylor JA (2013). Metabolic disruption in male mice due to fetal exposure to low but not high doses of bisphenol A (BPA): Evidence for effects on body weight, food intake, adipocytes, leptin, adiponectin, insulin and glucose metabolisms. Reproductive Toxicology, 42: 256-268. IF = 3.3, Q2, SRJ = 1.0


6.Flinn MV, Ponzi D, Muehlenbein MP (2012). Hormonal mechanisms for regulation of aggression in human coalitions. Human Nature, 23:68-88. IF = 2.0, Q1, SRJ = 1.2


5.Flinn MV, Duncan C, Quinlan RL, Leone EV, Decker SA and Ponzi, D (2012). Hormones in the wild: Monitoring the endocrinology of family relationships. Parenting: Science and Practice, 12(2-3): 124-133. IF = 1.9; Q2, SRJ = 1.2


4. Flinn MV, Muehlenbein M, Nepomnaschy P, Ponzi D (2011). Evolutionary functions of early social modulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis development in humans. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(7):1611-1629. IF= 10.1, Q1, SJR = 4.9


3. Oxford J, Ponzi D, Geary D (2010). Hormonal responses differ when playing violent video games against an ingroup and outgroup. Evolution and Human Behavior 31: 201-209. IF= 4.2, Q1, SJR = 2.3


2. Flinn MV, Muehlenbein MP, Ponzi D (2009). Social endocrinology of the human child. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32(1): 27-28. IF= 2.3, Q3, SJR = 0.8


1. Byrd-Craven J, Geary DC, Rose AJ, Ponzi D (2008). Co-ruminating increases stress levels in women. Hormones and Behavior, 53: 489-492. IF = 4.2, Q1, SJR = 1.5


* shared co-authorship and/or corresponding author

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